The Immigrants Samuel and Nancy Alexander Wauchope of Ulster

It is well believed that the vast majority of today's Walkups in the United States are descended from immigrants Samuel and Nancy Alexander1 Wauchope.  Facts are sketchy, but Samuel was most likely born in about 1698 and was probably from Strabane, County Tyrone, Ulster (south of Londonderry).  Other versions hold he was born in Carrick-Fergus, Ulster or in Scotland2.    As tradition holds, three Wauchope brothers from Scotland who served in General Munro's army settled in the area after the Revolutionary wars (see Pedigree of the Wauchopes in Donegal3).  They have been shown to have no connection (neither by family tree or Y-DNA testing) to the other known Wauchopes of Ulster or Scotland (including the Walkups of Massachusetts or the Wauchopes of Niddrie).  The Muster Roll of the Scots Army in Ulster of 1642 afford four real possibilities (i.e., Captain Robert Wauchope, Private Patricke Wauchope, Private Robert Wauchope, and Captain James Waghop).  One James Wauchope was later found listed in the Hearth Money Rolls in 1665 and as a tenant in Castlefinn in 1663.  Samuel would most likely have been one of their grandsons then.  He is said to be buried near Lexington, Virginia, having died at about age 90.  He had supposedly moved near his youngest son Arthur.  Another account says he remained in Pennsylvania.  His wife, Nancy Agnes Alexander, was said to be of French Huguenot stock and born in about 1702.  She either was from Carrick-Fergus and/or they left from there in 1724.  Another version states they were married in Scotland.  Reports indicate they first settled in Pennsylvania.  On to their purported (i.e., not proven)4 children:

1.  Of interest to many Walkups of this line, in some posted family trees Nancy is demonstrated to be a direct descendant of famed Scottish King Robert the Bruce.
2.  Being born in Scotland is not out of the realm of possibility, as it was not uncommon for some Ulster emigrants to return to or visit their remaining kin back in Scotland.  Intriguingly in May 2019 , while perusing a mid-1600s map of Dumfriesshire on-line, the author noted the existence of the now long gone hamlet of Carrick, just a few miles north of the Wauchope Water and a few miles west of Wolfhope Burn.  The author strongly believes that Wolf is merely another variation of Waugh, much like Waff is known to be.  Note that there are similarly named features in Roxburghshire within close proximity to each other as well.  This begs the question to the author... Could it be that this Carrick of Dumfriesshire is actually the ancient home of this line of Wauchopes?
3.  In possible substantiation, the estate of Joseph's eldest son, Matthew, mentions a bond on Charles Vachub of Ireland.  About this time there was living one Charles Wachob, son of Samuel Waughob of County Tyrone.
4.  DNA test results confirm that Joseph, James and Arthur do share a common male Wauchope ancestor that is from the E1b1b1a1b (E-V13) haplogroup.
5.  Ancestor of Bruce E. Walkup.


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This page last updated May 21, 2019